When I was at school (yes I can remember that long ago, just) I remember that I submitted a story (I guess it was a homework exercise) and the teachers would not believe that I wrote it myself. During NaNoWriMo 2018 I finally got round to recreating the story as best I can remember. Story “ Detention sucks. Especially in winter. ” That’s what I was thinking as I wandered towards the pedestrian path behind the school that would lead me to the main road. It was November, and it was now dark and misty. I hated it when the days started getting shorter. I didn’t like the dark. I was a big fan of horror. I enjoyed watching films and reading books that scared me. Unfortunately for me that made walking home alone along a dark path a bit nerve-racking as my mind would remember all the stories where a lone teenager would get to be walking alone in the dark and some monster would grab them. The path wasn’t lit, and it had trees on one side with a high fence on the school side. ...