So, whilst waiting for the fork legs to be ready, I started fitting the body panels back on the bike. the rear section is first, and I put that on the bike, then pushed in all the fasteners used to attach it, and the two hex screws.
As we have easy access and I can see the seat lock, I decide to check that it's working okay. Funny, I cant get the key in. As I haven't put the rear pod on yet, I can easily see the lock and where the key should go. My wife was still helping me (thank god) and she got down and had a good look from underneath (stupid position for a seat lock) and said that she couldn't see where the key went in, so I took the lock off its mounts and there was the culprit.
I had pushed one of the plastic tabs that hold the rear bodywork on, into the keyhole. as these are just push fasteners I thought it had gone home, but actually, I'd put it in the keyhole instead.
with that out of the way, the lock worked fine.
then the rear pod went on, followed by the seat. the seat was a bit tricky as there was a funny piece of metal covering the holes that seemed to be for two plugs that locate the rear of the seat. odd, but I can just remove that.
Then I noticed that the funny piece of metal is actually what holds the seat in place and it is held on by a bolt underneath the rear pod.
So off with the rear pod again (lucky we got the keyhole sorted), on with the seat. funny bit of metal in place and bolting it down pulls the seat in tight.
Then on with the rear pod and we're sorted.
Next on go the four side panels (two per side) and now there is nothing left to do until the forks are ready.
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