So, I asked a friend at work about the problems changing gears, and he told me to be gentle and not to try to force the gear lever as it could bend the gear selector arms inside the gearbox. wow, my first thought was to try brute force, so I'm glad I asked before steaming ahead. So, the idea is to gently work all of the gear selector arm and gears until they are all free. How hard can it be ? So, I put the Z750 up on a paddock stand with its exhausts pointing out of the garage door. Fire up the engine and let it warm up for a bit. Now to try the gears. First is no problem. Second was okay too, so next if third, the gear I couldn't get into during my test ride. At this point I would have crossed my fingers, but my right hand was holding the front brake on, and the left was holding the clutch. maybe I should have crossed my eyes instead. Anyway here goes, foot under gear lever and lift. There was a clunk and the bike was in third gear. I must be dreaming, but if I am, I...