Day -2 (of the rally)
I can't remember where I saw it, but I found details about an event called the Wales-500. It's a 500 km off road (ish) motorcycle weekend. I've never done any off road riding. but have always wanted to, so, I decided (and no, I wasn't drunk) that it would be a great introduction to off-road riding and I entered it.Now I actually have to do it as a friend of mine said he would like to do it too. No wit's not just me, so I cant suddenly come down with the plaque and stay at home.
It's funny how many things seem like a good idea until it actually come to doing them.
But, with two more days until we ride to the Malvern Showground to the start of this event, I have started packing.
Now the event expects us to follow as closely as possible a pre-designed route. the winner will be the rider (or team?) who most closely matches the routes mileage.
I have entered the GPS category. I thought this would make things easier. Then I realised that I have never been off-road. Then I realised that my TomTom was bought for road use and I have no idea if it will work for the course they have come up with.
So I dug out an old Garmin Oregon hiking GPS. okay, so this one should work for off-road.
Great, I'm all set, Or at least I will be once I work out how to get the GPX file that the organisers will be giving us onto the devices. I also have to work out how to use them. All I have ever done on the TomTom is pick a destination and tell it to take me there. Now I have to load up a pre-defined route and tell it to follow it.
The Garmin is even worse. It's been sitting in a drawer for so long, I can't remember the last time I used it.
I have managed to find my tent and sleeping mat and sleeping bag. and I've got a bag that will fit everything I want and fit on the bike, so I can at least spend a nice weekend camping, even if I can't follow the route.
Guess I need to go read some manuals.
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